Madu Sehat Lambung


Madu Sehat Lambung (translated to Healthy Honey for Stomach) is herbal product made of natural honey, mixed with curcuma and white turmeric roots. Curcuma and white turmeric roots has proven to have substantial benefits for body wellness, such as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, reducing the stomach acid, and many other benefits. 

While natural honey contain significant amount of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acid. Madu Sehat Lambung mainly consumed to sustain peptic health, digestion systems health, and overall body wellness.

Madu Sehat Lambung (translated to Healthy Honey for Stomach) is herbal product made of natural honey, mixed with curcuma and white turmeric roots. Curcuma and white turmeric roots has proven to have substantial benefits for body wellness, such as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, reducing the stomach acid, and many other benefits. 

While natural honey contain significant amount of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acid. Madu Sehat Lambung mainly consumed to sustain peptic health, digestion systems health, and overall body wellness.

Madu Sehat Lambung (translated to Healthy Honey for Stomach) is herbal product made of natural honey, mixed with curcuma and white turmeric roots. Curcuma and white turmeric roots has proven to have substantial benefits for body wellness, such as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, reducing the stomach acid, and many other benefits. 

While natural honey contain significant amount of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acid. Madu Sehat Lambung mainly consumed to sustain peptic health, digestion systems health, and overall body wellness.


Sulawesi Herba Nusantara (SEHAT)


Contact Person

A. Nurul Ihwal